1. Always use the bathroom before leaving the house! I remember being taught this rule as a child, but it's only this year I've discovered why. Using a public restroom (and I still do from time to time because, um...I've had a baby!) with a baby or toddler in tow is one of the most unpleasant experiences I've ever known. And what happens when he's 2 or 3??! (I may need to invest in a catheter for shopping purposes.)
2. The concept of "sleeping while baby sleeps" is bullish*t a myth. Yes, there have been days when I've been able to nap while the Monkey naps. Those are the days immediately following sleepless nights, so in my mind that's just an extension of night sleep and doesn't count. Otherwise, the little creature has a radar that detects when I'm just beginning to relax. That's the exact moment he wakes up, even if he's only been asleep for five minutes. Maybe I'll have better luck with Numero Dos, but I'm not holding my breath.
3. Always take a snack. This goes for baby, Mommy, and most definitely Daddy. I shudder to think what fate may befall me if I'm stuck in traffic with a hungry kid and/or spouse. I know some Moms who have darkened this doorway to hell, and I'll follow in someone else's footsteps, thankyouverymuch.
4. Drive Thru Starbucks locations are God's little reminders to Moms that everything is going to be O.K. (No explanation needed, right?)
5. Judge not, lest... I whined, and postulated, and complained about so called "bad" parents for years. I'm not proud of it, but I have thought things like: "They should really take him out of the store, while he throws his fit." "Why doesn't that baby have her head covered in this wind?" "Dear God, please don't ever let me go out in public like that." These are all things I would never say out loud, but my internal voice screamed them.
Well, guess what? I'm officially one of those "bad" parents. And guess what else? I really don't care. In fact, I was actually "called out" the other day by a 70-something year old woman in a store, who couldn't believe I had brought my child "out" in "this weather." The temp. was 45, and it was sprinkling. Yes, there are better times to get out of the house. Like June. Or even May. Those would be appropriate months to leave the house, based on midwestern weather conditions. All other months would be indoor months due to the "extreme weather conditions" we have here. I just smiled and thought, "If only my toddler couldn't hear my words, I would say them out loud. But since he can, I will focus on his needs and education and not your asinine-ness (not a word, I know, but this is also not a professional publication)."
Perhaps the most important truth I've learned is that I only have my best to give. And while I work my ass off to be an exceptional average parent, I must find ways to maintain a shred of sanity through the journey (mostly because I can't afford one of those luxurious Malibu coping facilities or a nanny to stay with my kid while I'm away). If I'm fortunate and continue trudging, I'm hopeful I can keep my child out of trouble and maybe even occasionally happy.